Thursday, October 27, 2016

Make a simple Calculator Using Notepad

Make a simple Calculator Using Notepad

Hi guys ...TODAY I will  show you how to make a simple calculator using note pad.Obviously its not a full featured calculator..but you can use it for fun,you know it always feels good to use your own applications... :D

So, Let’s Begin......


Open Notepad and type the following code

 @echo off

title Batch Calculator by NAME

color 0A


                    echo --------------------------------------

                    echo -Welcome to Batch Calculator by Shankha Jana

                    echo --------------------------------------

echo Use the Following Operators for calculation

echo * = MULTIPLY

echo + = ADD

echo - = SUBTRACT

echo / = DIVIDE

echo Enter your Equation


set /p sum=

set /a ans=%sum%


echo = %ans%

echo --------------------------------------------------------------



echo Previous Answer: %ans%

goto top




Replace the NAME in the code with your name.


Go to File and click on save as.Give the file name Calculator and give the

Extension .vbs

Step 4

A dialog box will appear with a msg like the following picture given below.

Click on yes. A file named Calculator.vbs will be created.

Step 5

 You’re done! Double click it to open & Enjoy!!

I have created this calculatorapplication in executable format.. if you want, You can download it from Here- > - > 

Enjoy this funny calculator...& for more tricks keep visiting this blog...:)

Shankha Jana

Available link for download