Monday, October 3, 2016

Make Your Own Corby 2 Theme

Make Your Own Corby 2 Theme

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Themes beautify our phones, so we become very particular in choosing the best theme which satisfies our needs. Ever wonder how these themes are made? Samsung Theme Designer is a free software that you can use in making your own theme. According to theme makers, making themes is fun and easy but you must be patient enough to complete these themes. Learning how to develop your own theme will give you lots of advantage. If you want to surprise your girlfriend/boyfriend, then you could
probably make her/his face as your icons. 

Read Tutorial here: donna-tell-oh

Donnna-Tell-ohs blog author is a professional Samsung GTS3850 ( Corby 2 ) Theme maker. With a great passion in blogging and designing, she originally made those themes available in her blog.

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Using Samsung Theme Designer, you can make lots of themes in any supported Samsung mobile phone. 

Available link for download