Tuesday, April 18, 2017
List of Best Oneplus One Lollipop Custom ROMs
List of Best Oneplus One Lollipop Custom ROMs
List of Best Oneplus One Lollipop Custom ROM.
Before following this do take the full backup of your phone, coz you will lose all your data and you have to restore them on your phone after the flashing process.
List of Best Oneplus One Android Lollipop Custom ROMs
1. CM12 nightliesPacked with lots of awesome features and one of the best ROM for oneplus one. Some of the best feature of the ROM are you can personalize the status bar, you have the option to configure buttons also, You can enable on-screen buttons, you can edit power menu, wake your phone with volume keys, change notification lights, improved performance, quick toggles, change battery lights, improved color etc
Download CM12 nightlies ROM
2. BlissPop
It is based on CyanogenMod 12, so you find all the CM features on the ROM. The Rom has been tweaked so well that gives very smoother user experience and fast performance. BlissPop is a Custom ROM which will be updated regularly, just like CyanogenMod 12.
Download BlissPop ROM
Resurrection Remix the ROM has been based on AOKP, CM, PA, Omni and original Remix ROM builds, this creates an awesome combination of performance, customization, power and the newest features, brought directly to your Device
Download Resurrection Remix ROm
4. Euphoria OS Euphoria OS is also based on CyanogenMod’s sources. Gives you lots of features like LED manager, Profiles, Hardware keys customization, Privacy guard and more. If you are only looking for customizations then this ROM is definitely for you.
Download Euphoria OS ROM here
5. Vanir Exodus ROM
Another Best Custom ROM for One Plus one with battery improvement and lots of features.
Download Vanir Exodus ROM Here
There are lots of other ROM too, which we didn’t test yet. If you want to try them, then check out the below mention links and install it at your own risk.
1. Paranoid Android: http://aospa.co/
2. Android Ice Cold Project: http://aicp-rom.com/
3. Dirty Unicorns: https://plus.google.com/communities/109738128866939227235
4. TugaPower: https://plus.google.com/communities/114814631668623048008
5. Hazy: http://www.hazyrom.net/
6. XenonHD: http://www.xenonhd.com/
7. Validus: http://validusrom.com/
8. Candy5: http://the-candy-shop.co/candy5.html
9. FlexOS: http://get.flex-os.com/
10. One+ (Team Nocturnal): http://forums.team-nocturnal.com/index.php/forum/387-one-development/
11. DarkoBas: http://renderserver.net/
12. Team UB: http://roms.teamub.co.uk/
13. Nameless: https://nameless-rom.org/
14. CyanHacker: https://basketbuild.com/devs/CyanHacker
15. Cyanide L: https://plus.google.com/communities/115373154758419619929
16. LiquidSmooth: https://liquidsmooth.net/
17. SOKP: http://sonic-developers.com/
18. PACMAN: http://pac-rom.com/
19. crDroid: http://crdroid.org/
20. MoKee OpenSource Project: http://www.mokeedev.com/en/
21. VanirAOSP: http://www.vanir.co/word/
22. OmniRom: https://omnirom.org/
How to Install Custom ROM on OnePlus One
Step 1. Download Rom from above mention links.Step 2. Download Gapps Package and move both the files (ROM ad Gapps) on your phone.
Step 3. Boot into Recovery (TWRP or CWM)
Step 4. Advanced Wipe ( Select> Dalvik Cache / Cache / System / Data ) * Be careful don’t select INTERNAL !
Step 5. Install/flash Custom ROM.zip
Step 6. Install/flash Gapps Package Zip.
Step 7. Reboot to System.
Enjoy the custom on your One plus One.
Available link for download